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5 ways to increase blog commenting
<div align=justify>To be successful with a blog, your posts has to evoke comments. This will ensure your blog is popular and can keep it that way if the comments keep coming. Generally, the number of blog comments is considered to be an indication of how successful your blog is. Here are some tips allowing you to increase the amount of commenting for your blog. '''''1. Make it easy to comment.''''' Try removing barriers that may prevent visitors from leaving a comment. That includes the following: * letting commenting without being logged in; * removing the authentication processes (e.g captcha or email address verification); * installing plugins or other software that will allow the visitors to log in with Twitter or Facebook profiles; * going to your blog as a visitor and checking any other barriers that may slow down the commenting process. Of course, you can't avoid a few off-topic entries. But the increase in commenting may be worth it. You can simply delete those entries later or re-enable any of anti-spam tools. '''''2. Find out the most timely topics and keep writing on them.''''' It does not necessarily has to be your favorite topic, but if it brings traffic to your blog, make it a regular conversation point. Your site serves as a tool to let people know about you and find answers to their questions/queries. '''''3. Stay on topic.''''' Even if you have a themed day (i.e. writing on definite topics on definite days), make sure all those posts are in a way related to your central subject. If it is difficult for you to find something to write about, your topic may be too narrow. Also make sure it is not too broad, e.g. you can't select a sub-topic from the main one. Fixing this problem by changing or widening the focus is okay, but it's preferable to stick to one topic once it is chosen. '''''4. Post regularly.''''' People are habitual creatures. So your aim has to be becoming their new habit. People may find your site through some other blog’s feed they read, and decide to add you. Whenever you add a new post/article, they’ll at least read the headline. You need to post regularly for some time (about a month or two) to keep people interested. Once going to your site has become their habit, it is not obligatory to post daily. But you should be adding posts in a predictable fashion, whether it’s every 12 or 24 hours, or every Monday and Friday at 2:25 pm. The main thing here is regularity. '''''5. End your post with a question.''''' When you create a post, try to make the last question a question to your audience. This will allow the conversation to go on. Now your post is changed from monologue into dialogue. Ending your post with a controversial statement stimulates conversation online, too. Note that comments is not the main factor of how well your blog is doing. But constant increase of their number will show that you’re on the right track.</div>
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