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Life Without Google
<div align=justify>By now you’ve received your e-mail from Google about the change in its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Agreement. Like millions of other people, you searched for that tiny trash can icon (having read none of the e-mail) thinking, “Can Google use my data in a more sinister way than they currently are?” But maybe you actually read the new policy and you object to it. What’s your recourse? The answer is at the bottom of the email Google sent: “If you choose to keep using Google once the change occurs, you will be doing so under the new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.” That’s easy enough, surrender or die! This all begs the question: what would life be like without Google? First, kiss that Gmail account goodbye. What to do with thousands of neatly sorted and archived emails? We should have known the unlimited storage thing was going to have a catch. Then there is the hassle of moving contacts and groups and telling everyone that you have a new email address — and you know how good people are about updating email addresses. The next product to go is Google Docs. If you’re like me, you probably have no idea how many documents you are sharing and collaborating on. Not a problem though since everyone I am working with would be more than willing to send me email updates about the document which is being updated five times a day. Now I could talk about Google+, but…well, you know. On to browsers. So long Chrome, hello Firefox. Does anyone know how to get rid of that Google search bar? Firefox is okay, I guess. I just can’t stand all those updates, and we all know who keeps Firefox floating with cash — yes, the big “G” the one we’re trying to avoid. What about searching the web? I was born and raised on Google searches; I can’t remember using anything else. No problem, I’ll just use Bing. Bing, bing, bing, that has a nice ring. Next time I need some info I’ll just “Bing-it.” Finally, one word. Picasa. Was that a whimper I just heard? Okay Google. We surrender. Would you like our social security and credit card numbers too? What’s that you say? Oh, you already have them.</div> ''Taken from''
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