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Read this before designing a website
<div align=justify>Web hosting providers offer various tutorials, tools and resources to help you design a website. But a site that isn't informative, interesting or attractive to visitors will be all your fault. Here are some tips to mind when designing a website. * '''Plan'''. It's really important to plan your website before you ever sign up for a website hosting service. Planning makes things easy and saves time. You can check our article ''[ here]'' for some tips. * '''Content style sheets.''' Web hosting providers can provide you with a site building tool, using which you may be able to set your own style sheets (i.e. decide on fonts and styles to use in your headlines, text and so on). * '''Graphics.''' Even if your hosting plan includes unlimited diskspace, it is recommended to keep your graphic sizes small. This will make them load quicker and save the visitors' time (it is proven that the most common thing that makes people leave a site is slow loading). * '''White space.''' Don't be afraid of it and don't make your site overwhelmed with text. It is much more attractive to look at clean and crisp site. However, too much white space may make it seem like your site cannot provide enough useful information. That is why you need to make sure all important elements on your site can be easily noticed. * '''Backgrounds.''' Make sure your backgrounds do not distract attention and don't make your text unreadable. The best variant is to have dark text on a white or light background. This makes your text followed easily. You can find a nice example ''[ here]'' * '''Site map.''' When you go to a site you would like to find the needed info within seconds. Site map of a table of contents will be of great help here. So, don't make your site visitors disappointed and frustrated and make their search easier. * '''Impression.''' It is proven that the impression of a site is made within several seconds (see our article ''[ here]''). So, you should do your best for your site to attract visitors and won't make them leave in 8 seconds. it is extremely important for business sites. The key to success here is short pages, proper site structure, careful writing, no typos and a clear communication of your purpose.</div>
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