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4 key mistakes when creating a site
<seo title="Mistakes when creating site" metakeywords="create site,site creation,web development" metadescription="4 key mistakes when creating a site" /> <div align=justify>Your website is the source of information about you to all of your prospective customers. There is always a right and a wrong way to do things. The wrong things done to your site design can have negative impact on your business. We have outlined some key mistakes. Check the list below and try to avoid them: * '''''Flash overusage''''' Right after appearing, flash became widely popular as it made sites look really nice. But it has become overused. Though flash elements make your site look better, try to use it as less as possible. Use images or slideshows instead. Flash is unreadable by Google, so this may influence your Google ranking. * '''''Pop-up windows''''' Though most browsers have now corrected the problem of unprompted pop ups, some websites keep using pop-ups, generally with good intentions. Many people consider them annoying as they remind of spam and can make your site visitors go away without even seeing the content. * '''''Introductions''''' In today’s fast paced life, people want to get needed information as quickly as possible. Seeing an introduction page will simply annoy the visitors. Make sure there is a visible “Skip Intro” button in case you absolutely must use an introduction page. * '''''No price display''''' Some consumer type websites avoid displaying pricing online, though it is quite normal and even required. To get success, you should do your best to have the greatest level of transparency possible. Listing pricing on your website (even if it only something like “From $ 0.99″) has several advantages: • Increased trustworthiness. People see that you have nothing to hide and charge everyone equally. • It allows you to create an online ordering process. • If your competitors are hiding their pricing, then you will be differentiated from them. Having a website is not limited to uploading the files on-line and making changes when required. Applying the best practices and avoiding the above stated mistakes will help you to get the most out of your website.</div>
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