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5 ways to increase ratings and reviews
<div align=justify>People are always search for the experiences of others, before making a purchase. The most popular way is reading online ratings and reviews posted by other people. With a proper number of positive reviews you can easily increase sales. Here are some tips to increase the ratings and reviews for your site '''1. Include Review Forms on Product Description Pages''' Having the option to write a review directly on the product description page evokes customers' activity. There is a number of companies that provide rating and review software you can use (e.g.,,, etc). '''2. Ask for a Review''' Asking your customers to write a review is the simplest way to have this done. A nice example is an email sent after a customer makes a purchase, including a link to the review form along with a request to leave a review. Periodic customer surveys is another way to get a review. Here the questions such as “On a scale of 1 – 5 with 5 being the best, how would you rate our products?” can be used. If your are going to use these reviews on your website, be sure to mention that in the survey. '''3. Make It Simple to Submit a Review''' When it comes to ratings and reviews, try your best to follow the rule: simpler is better. Even if your form consists of a comment box together with the request to write a review., mentioned above, allows to leave a review within 3 steps: * a button is presented on the product page encouraging the visitors to rate the product; * after clicking that button the visitors are directed to a page which shows previous reviews and a five-star rating scale. There is also a request for the visitor to submit a review; * once the request link is clicked, the visitor is taken to a form allowing to rate the product and write a review. '''4. Make Review Forms Easy to Find''' Make sure the rating and review forms catch the eye, to make it easier for customers to find them. Do some testing to find the best place for such forms on your particular site. '''5. Make Reviews Social''' Social media can help to increase reviews. For example, if you have an account on Facebook or Twitter, occasionally ask Fans and followers to submit reviews (providing them with the link first). Users are now able to share reviews with friends on social networks, or bookmark them using social bookmarking sites (e.g. Digg, Reddit). Customer-generated ratings and reviews influence purchase decisions to the great extent. So, do your best to make use of this.</div>
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