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8 seconds website test
<seo title="8 seconds on a site" metakeywords="time on site,visit site" metadescription="How much do visitors spend on a site and how to make them interested" /><div align=justify>After numerous researches it was found that when people arrive at a website, at least half of them (i.e. 50%) will leave that website within '''8 seconds'''. This information is publicly available because huge corporations spend a lot of money to know how people use the Internet. They are eager to know people tastes (i.e. what people like and dislike). These corporations have spent millions of dollars on research, so their results can be trusted. This information will help you to know how your website visitors behave. As stated before, on average '''50%'' of site visitors '''will leave that website within 8 seconds'''. In other words, if your website doesn't do something within 8 Seconds to make them stay there, at least 50% of them will go away. For your particular site, it could even be 60% or 80%. Let's imagine that the Internet is a shopping center and your website is a shop there. People inside that shopping center are looking for something specific, and they only have 10 or 15 minutes to find it. They will definitely go only into the places that obviously provide '''needed services or goods''', and if the shop looks as though it doesn't, or they wouldn't feel comfortable there, they aren't going to come inside. When surfing the net, you go from one site to the next, then to the next, and so on. You don't stop until you find something '''interesting''' for you or something that '''catches your eye'''. You now aware of the fact that even if you do stop, there is a 50% chance you will probably leave in 8 seconds if it doesn't look like what you're looking for. That's the challenge every site owner faces. They have to make visitors stop surfing and stay with you. How can this be achieved? Below we'll provide three possible solutions: '''''1. Use Headlines''''' Look at your own website. Make sure there is a '''headline''' there. A headline is what your visitor will see when arriving at your site. It might be a logo, an image or a text like ''''Welcome'''', or something of the kind. Be honest with yourself and try to answer the following question: '''would this make me stay and stop surfing?''' If the site can't grab the visitor's '''attention''', then he's gone. Remember that the headline is the very first thing that's going to catch my eye, and interest me; and it has to be challenging enough to stop me surfing. '''''2. Interest your visitors ''''' In case your site needs scrolling down to read the rest of the page, try your '''best''' to make people '''scroll down'''. What we mean is that when people aren't interested/impressed from the very beginning, they won't go further. So, let's go back to your own site. What do you see once you are there? If the visitor doesn't find a reason to stop surfing, he/she probably won't even scroll down. A long winded introduction or history of your company at the main page won't make your visitor staying. '''''3. Put yourself in the visitor's position''''' Try to act as a '''potential client'''. Your site has been found on the web because of being specifically looked for, and Google has considered your site relevant to the search query. What are potential customers interested in? What makes them look for something on the net? As the site owner, you, of course, know it to perfectly well. The common practice is to write about your business on the homepage and that can be a big mistake.Frankly speaking, people don't care much about your business. Nothing personal, but that's not what they are here for. They are at your website because it's likely that you have '''something they need'''. In other words, you need to meet their selfish self-interest. To have a chance of stopping them surfing, you need to do your best to meet that self-interest or need. Go to your website as a first-time visitor. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you will stay at the site for more than 8 seconds and stop surfing further.</div> <br>
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