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How to protect site from hackers
<seo title="How to protect from hackers" metakeywords="protect site,website protection,hacking,hackers,network security,hack site" metadescription="How to protect from hackers" /> <div align=justify>Nowadays a lot of people have their own website. These websites are used to promote their business or simply to try themselves at web building. Today billions of websites are hosted on Internet. But all these websites have some security risks, as they can be hacked. In this article we would try to define the steps needed to prevent site hacking. '''1'''. '''''Maintain strong security on the computer that you use to manage your website''''' * install some good quality anti-virus software to keep your computer free of viruses and other spyware from hackers; * update your system on the regular basis; * regularly check the network security. * use proper security settings in your web browser. '''2'''. '''''Make sure ALL your account passwords are fully secure''''' and do not use the same password for everything (cPanel, Mail, Databases, etc.). It is strongly recommended to regularly change your passwords for website protection. See more about secure passwords '''[ here]''' '''3'''. '''''Choose third party scripts carefully''''' Do not add any script, plug-in or other features you find on the net without checking it for possible security holes. Otherwise hackers may get unauthorized access to your account via those installs. '''4'''. '''''Keep third party software up to date''''' Constantly look for the 3rd party software updates. This will lessen the possibility of security holes and your account vulnerability. '''5'''. '''''Write your own scripts securely''''' If you are adding your own scripts to the site, make sure they are fully protected and cannot be used by hackers. Also some additional tips to protect the site: * give your login info only to people who must have it; if someone has unauthorized access to the account they may hack the site; * always keep a backup copy of your site and databases (if any) at a safe place; * regularly check the site content for suspicious files added to protect the site from malicious changes.</div>
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