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SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act
<seo title="SOPA" metakeywords="sopa,online piracy,stop piracy" metadescription="Stop Online Piracy Act" /> <div align=justify>Piracy of information is a long-time problem. Bootlegs of concerts and piracy copies of videotapes have already become common things. However, recently this problem was raised to a new level. Almost any form of art can now be digitized. Due to this it can be copied to every person on the planet within few seconds. The problem of intellectual property needs paying a lot of attention. A new legislation that should resolve this problem is now under consideration. It is known as “SOPA” or the “Stop Online Piracy Act” and has already evoked a huge amount of discussions. SOPA is considered to be so bad due to its really tough approach to potential infringements. The way that SOPA works is this: someone files a complaint against a web site. It is then passed on to the web site operator, who has 5 days to issue a retort. At that point, legal action will be taken in case the complainant insists. The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) works almost the same, so it is not new. However, what makes it worse is that it is not just web hosts, but payment processors and ad networks as well that are required to cut off the accused web site. Search engines would also have to take actions against such sites. This can even result in excluding from search results. Software to get around any blocks of the kind would be considered illegal. ISPs would also be responsible to cut off access from the offending site (which is like finding a fish by draining the ocean). Forcible shutting the site down over a single complaint could result in literally breaking the Internet into pieces. A lot of people are against SOPA. These include US Representative Zoe Lofgren, who stated that this legislation would bring about “the end of the Internet as we know it” and Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, who swore that even if passed, “we would still fight it”. Even some artists have announced that SOPA will suppress creativity. This topic has been discussed a lot in technical and political circles, and even without SOPA will still remain pressing. </div> <comments />{{:{{TALKSPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}}}
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