Domain names and copyrights

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<seo title="Domain names and copyrights" metakeywords="copyright infringement,copyright domain" metadescription="Domain names and copyrights infringement" />
<div align=justify>Copyright infringement has become a common practice that occurs daily all around the world. Finding a proper domain name and then building their business around that name requires a lot of work. In most cases, a business name and short phrases cannot be copyrighted. So, is it possible to protect your business name from copyright infringement?
<div align=justify>Copyright infringement has become a common practice that occurs daily all around the world. Finding a proper domain name and then building their business around that name requires a lot of work. In most cases, a business name and short phrases cannot be copyrighted. So, is it possible to protect your business name from copyright infringement?

Latest revision as of 08:48, 29 December 2011

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